We hope that you all are taking care and being cared for in this time. It is not easy on a typical day. In this global pandemic, things are heightened even more for many.
We wanted to update you all on what we've been up to with The Wellness Collective in this time:
We've been working tirelessly to support our communities through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our first action was to create a resource group on Facebook. Our second action was to co-organize a virtual action planning meeting so that resources and support are intentionally and equitably accessed. Now that those are firmly into place, our third action is to return to our founding work with The Wellness Collective - that is to help our neighbors secure needs in this time. We ask that you please donate/subscribe to our COVID-19 relief efforts so that we can continue working alongside amazing community efforts to secure us all.
If you are available to or are currently volunteering in any capacity, please complete this form here. Feel free to suggest anything that you would like to assist with. This volunteer coordination is so that we, as a community, can coordinate our efforts to further the reach and impact of resources.
Thank you, neighbors. We are here with you and for you.
-- The Wellness Collective