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Community Delivery Hotline

The Community Delivery Hotline was created to ensure that folks with limited transportation and resources have access to their basic needs. Our service is not means tested, therefor anyone who has a need can request delivery services upon availability in Allegheny County.  Just call or text the hotline number below to get started! You can also submit a request by clicking the button below to complete a request form.
Looking to Donate or Partner?
For Donations:  
True to The Wellness Collective's core intentions, the hotline relies on the resources for those without access are provided for and by the community!  You can donate to the Community Delivery Hotline so that those with needs may eat and maintain health and home via PayPal or Cash App. Our handle is below.
Cash App: $thewellfolk
For Partnership:
Our goal is to connect with as many resources and volunteer support groups and agencies that are available, so that we all can support one another's efforts and extend our collective reach to those without access - particularly those who are typically left out, invisible, and unseen.  If you would like to partner with us in this effort, you can email us.  You can also become a part of this resource network by simply adding your program to the shared google map for volunteer resource and delivery efforts!
Shared Google Map for Volunteer Delivery and Resource Groups:
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